You say dichloromethane and ethyl acetate, I say....


I recently visited an old acquaintance in PA who refused to meet me at Starbucks because she “won’t support their ridiculous pricing.”

Instead, she offered to prepare me a barista-level café latte with her new $900 Illy espresso maker. First off, she ground (burr grinder obviously) cold-water decaffeinated beans because regular decaffeination process uses harsh chemicals. For the same “chemical” reason she refused to use our local tap water (which is actually quite delicious) and instead drew water from a $2,000 alkaline ionizer PH-balanced water filtration system.

Disapproving of dairy products, she used rice milk (manufactured under Fair Trade auspices) and heated it stovetop (non-Teflon pot, of course). When I mentioned that I use a microwave to heat my milk, she informed me that "that" (evil) process corrupts the cell structure.


A latte isn’t a latte without the frothed milk, but she wouldn’t use the Illy steamer (tap water issue again) and instead used an Aerolatte® Steam Free Milk Frother. She had no white sugar, honey or sweetener of any kind and actually SCOLDED me when I added a Splenda because of that whole periodic table worth of “chemical additives“ thingee.

Then, as I sipped this masterpiece from its Illy logo’d cup, she went outside to have a cigarette.

That is just too much..... and reminded me

when I was a volunteer at our local hospital, I delivered meds from the pharmacy to all the nurses stations in the hospital. It blew my mind to go to the surgical area where the cancer patients received their first round of chemo after surgery....they were allowed to smoke in their rooms.
That was a long time ago, and now the hospital does not allow smoking anywhere on their grounds.

Definition of insanity, really.

Reminds me of the Alar scare a few years ago. Remember that? Alar on the apples was going to kill us all, and, if we happened to survive, our kids would probably look like poodles.

One article highlighted a lady who was on her way into her local grocery store to complain about Alar on the apples. Having finished her cigarette, she crushed it into the asphalt and marched inside.



Hahahaha!--smoked a cig--talk 'bout denial and compartmentalization!. . .

Sounds like some of the parents in the measles outbreaks.

I could name names. Would you like another example?

(Legal qualifying note: this was decades ago.)

I was sitting in her kitchen while she made me a cup of tea (this was back when I thought coffee = Seepage From Satan, thanks to growing up around my mom's method of boiling coffee grounds until they begged for death.)

I lifted the tea bag out, wrapped the string around it and squeezed to move it to the saucer. That's when she yelled at me to NOT do THAT!

Didn't I realize that squeezing the bag released bitter tannins into my cup??

...indignantly stated, mind you, as she smoked a joint.

OMG! That was my laugh for the night! Sorry, I am sure you were looking forward to seeing your

friend, and imagine this was not exactly the way you remember or treasure her friendship. But it is funny how people change with time..... Trying to see this as the glass half full, perhaps she was trying to bond / reconnect / institutionalize your friendship with your passion for food? Glass is half empty in me says she was trying to one up you, knowing you have a 2nd home in the works. Just my 2 contradictory thoughts.

No wonder your head was spinning!!! Mine is, just by reading your post!

HA!!!! This is my BIL, then he will go on to tell you...

that he only smokes Sherman cigarettes (by the bucket full!) because they have no added chemicals.

It's not. I was spending too much time retesting recipes and trying to rewrite

my stories. Apparently, I'm a one-shot inspiration. It doesn't seem as funny the second time around.
