You will all be green with envy, the has Curler arrived!!!

10.95, but not so loud! I don't want to get robbed....

They shipped it UPS, probably cost more than the curler.

Hey, not so bad, impressive, but... I have a request... try to see if it can curl chocolate if it

does I want one.... Would you give 'er a test run and see what happens, the best part is: if it doesn't you still get the joy of eating the chocolate........... cool huh!!!

Jean, did you imagine the curler would be so veraitile; it curls squash, zucchini and parsnips too!

Would have to find just the right size

It works like a pencil sharpener. You stick in the carrot and turn. I get pretty good results using a vegetable peeler for small chocolate curls.

UPS hits us on the way out of town, so I was home

Although he'd have preferred to drop and run. We have two danes that make a lot of noise and yesterday the smaller one actually wrenched the door out of my hand and slammed it open at him. John said "You grab the package and the dog, I'll shut the door." Then he hightailed it to his truck and peeled out. Future packages may be left at the end of the drive with a nothing more than a shove and a quick honk as he slows and goes smileys/smile.gif

Vacuuming is still at the top of the list along with laundry. He's always bragging about his "loads"
