Your garden photo from last year is my favorite computer desktop pic, Ang

I think I will skip the one from this April though! LOL.

Can't get used to the idea of bright light at Midnight. I suppose you just have extra-thick curtains or shades on your windows, eh?

Your garden photo from last year is my favorite computer desktop pic, Ang

I think I will skip the one from this April though! LOL.

Can't get used to the idea of bright light at Midnight. I suppose you just have extra-thick curtains or shades on your windows, eh?

You got"midnight sun"? we have hardly had"noon sun"!! still cold too, probably warm up when I leave?

we'll bring your Thunderbird wine to drink out at Thunderbird Falls--a short 15 minutes away. Fun.

I can remember going out for fries at 10:30 at night and it was full bright daylight. Now

many years later, that seems so weird. (and that was where you and I were born,)not as far north as you are now. Often wanted to experience that, once.

Is that a bear I see lurking behind your beautiful garden??!!

the grandkids are coming up next week and they have so much trouble sleeping with all this light.

room darkening shades are a must.

"sunny breaks" is what the weather person calls it. Air show this weekend. Thunderbirds are here.


room darkening shades---priceless! that or aluminum foil. My garden should be in full bloom in

mid to late july---it's been so darn cool and cloudy that everything is so late.

you would be most welcome, BUT, there is a sign up on that lot across the street warning of a bear

in the neighborhood. I would advise against a tent and bring a fully enclosed motor home. LOL

back when we were kids and went back to Winnipeg to visit, we would argue with the parents that it

wasn't dark yet, so it just couldn't be time to go to sleep. We wanted to keep playing. for our midwestern body clocks----darkness=time for bed and the light just confused our body clocks. It still does for me.
