I "believe" that in the USA all food products have to indicate country of origin
but worth investigating the actual legalities. Barcode numbers sometimes indicate country but not sure if this is by law or just business practice or if it applies to food. I will do some research and then it might be worthwhile to start putting together a list. I have a buddy who is an attorney in Canada but not sure that he'd be conversant with this type of law but I can ask as it applies in Canadian law.
I emailed Mann's to ask. Apparently, it's stamped on the pkg along with the best by date. That
would suggest to me that these peas can come from any of their sources as the ambiguous but permanent statement suggests.
I guess it was naive of me to think that there would be a permanent source for such things but then my friends had just assumed that the source was the US according to the statement.
On the website they list:
as sources for their products.
(I think)