A noteworthy day for this foodie

Wow MCM! Good for you! A quick tip to keep you going.....

Don't start thinking of it as "harder" now. Think of it as being just "slower" because it will still come off pretty steadily if you keep on track. Slower is better anyway.

Success is success whether it be fast or slow.

Wonderful and inspirational! Thanks for sharing!

I've been working at it, also. I know how hard it is. I've been up and down all summer but am about ready to give it a good push and go for the gusto again! lol

I've been taking it in segments and decided I would have to show myself grace as life happens.

I'm in San Diego right now, going home on Tues but I've been enjoying myself. (not pigging out! LOL)

It's amazing how you don't crave things after awhile!

I'm proud of you, Cathy! Thanks for sharing!


Yes, the craving goes away. Isn't that amazing?

It happened to me, Ms potatohead, Ms crunchy, salty, snacky anything. Give me potatoes and crunchy anything with salt and I was good. Now I don't even look at potatoes-I do eat the occasional sweet potato. Potato chips don't do a thing for my anymore. Amazing.

Keep it up Gayle! And I love that you show yourself grace and take it in segments. It is all for you and at your own pace.

I agree!

And I have the occasional sweet potato, too! One of the first things I had on this trip at my daughter's was a sweet potato. Couldn't eat the whole thing so shared with my granddaughter. That was it...sweet potato with butter on it. FINE MEAL. lol Was what I wanted.

Thanks for your encouragement. You are a wonderful friend!

You are so inspiring!

I am struggling with this right now and it's nice to hear from someone who has been successful.

Way to go!!!
