A novel way to 'peel' an Idaho Potato....or is that unpeel....

Michael, I'm picturing you as an 8-year-old TV exec saying this, with the mustache and cigar

and your feet up on your desk, "Nah, ain't doin' no blond genies! Get me that Plachette chick, or that flyin' nun, or that Mary Tyler whatever from Van Dyke, you know, the one wit' the gams."

You, um, do realize Veronica was imaginary, don't you? Meanwhile, this should make you jealous....

That Greg Brady... what a randy dude. I...

...envy him.

Not surprisingly.


PS: Veronica? IMAGINARY? No way... They made albums. Truth: Sugar Sugar is the #1 selling song of 1969. She sang on that, ya know.

That's funny. I was always liked brunettes, and ended up marrying

the only blonde I ever dated. He has those Paul Newman sky blue eyes, which thank goodness both my boys ended up having. Instead of my muddy hazel/wannebe green eyes.
And hub always liked blondes, and ended up marrying me, a brunette. Phermones, gotta love 'em.

I was pretty consistent with the brunette thing. I only remember one blonde I dated...

...and it lasted about 3 weeks.

She left me for another blonde.


Michael, so sorry for the late post...I wasn't on this weekend. The one I saw

in the design magazine was Fagor. But in the mag it was $200...not $100 as I inaccurately read.

It did get very good reviews....the article was covering the "best of the best" at home design shows. Anyone need a $2700 toilet? (seat sold separately!)

Heck, for $2700, I'd not only expect the seat to be included, I'd expect a personal valet to tag along and refold the tissue to a precise point.

