A tragegy...


Well-known member
Of course that was supposed to be Tragedy before my fat fingers finshed with it.

My sweet cherry tree was ready to be harvested. I had been testing them, they were so beautiful, big plump and red, I came home today and they were all gone. The entire tree picked clean.

Do you see why I hate squirrels?

I came home one day to find all my beautiful flowering chives in a bed in the front

yard had been taken. They were obviously cut to the ground with a pair of scissors or shears.

Oh my gosh, that's horrible! This is the first year our Lychee is

FULL of fruit, days away from being ready. Too bad it's in our front yard, neighbors are eyeing it. I'm thinking of tying my 2 black labs to the tree, lol!!

Our tree is almost ready and now I am afraid to go look at it.

I always thought it was the birds that ate all the fruit. I never realized it was squirrels. Sorry about your cherries.

We have way toooooooooo many squirrels in our area. We will never have a pecan off our tree.

I have to cover my blackberries and tomatoes with netting to keep other predators away.

I used to like squirrels when I saw them in a park but now I don't like them one bit!

I know! I don't believe they were just CARRYING a pair of shears. They had to go home and come

back to do it. I grew up in a house where my dad would kick our butts for even cutting across a neighbor's yard walking to a friends a few doors down. If you're dumb enough in my neighborhood to even forget to close your garage door for thirty minutes something will go missing too.
