Am I the only one who have laid a recipe to rest? As in "I'll never EVER try to make this again?"

Yup, LOVE, love, love my chopper smileys/smile.gif Yes, I would coarsley chop the chips for this cookie.

Yeah, I've been wondering that for year. Oh, by the way, you must have had the chopping of the chips

on your mind, because I just noticed after rereading the recipe, that you said: Quote: "...stir in butter mixture and chocolate ***chops!***" (Either that, or you were thinking of chocolate pork chops. smileys/smile.gif

I tried dry roasted once and didn't like the taste as much. The peanuts you use...

...should be the freshest, best quality you can find. I get mine from Trader Joe's, and I try to use the "blister peanuts" in the plastic tub. They are very crunchy and always seem fresh (check the dating).

