An unbelievable Halloween dinner (and NOT in a good way)

My sister-in-law invited us for Thanksgiving dinner and to show off her new home.

We dressed to the 9s and drove the 2 hours to her house. When we arrived there was no indication that cooking was happening. After a tour of the house and a drink of champagne (which we brought) we were invited to the table where we "feasted" on Campbell's Tomato Soup and cheese and crackers. There was ice cream and cookies for dessert. After lunch curtly hubby announced it was time to head home.

This was her idea of a non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner? >>

OMG! I think I would have been in shock.

OMG, you poor thing.

Some people have absolutely no conception of what's involved in cooking a meal. I've had dolts come to my house on a full stomach when I'm throwing a party. OTOH, enough of my friends truly know me so they come on "E".

I hope you get to cook soon for people who appreciate your talents and labor!

OMG, that's downright hostile to treat guests like that. Must've been quite a house!
