It was Lar's birthday on Tuesday and a few months ago he mentioned that he'd like to get a panini grill. He's been eating lunch at Panera's a lot and has worked his way through the entire list of hot sandwiches. Lar went so far as to research which one he wanted and so my job was easy. I just clicked on FinerKitchens and ordered the Guisinart Griddler, his panini grill of choice.
You should have seen the smile on his face as he tore away the wrapping paper and set the silver beauty on the counter....commenting once again that we still need 90 linear feet of counter space. (He'll get that when Eva in Norway adopts him.)
"You know what I can do with this?" were the first words out of his mouth.
I drifted off, imagining crispy melted Tillamook on dark rye tangy with country-style mustard... warm ciabatta with roasted red peppers, slivers of red onion, and turkey... challah oozing with chocolate hazelnut spread... thick, hot slabs of french bread with oily Italian tuna, capers, and olives....
As I came out of my culinary reverie, here's what I heard:
"I can do your mammograms for you!"
You should have seen the smile on his face as he tore away the wrapping paper and set the silver beauty on the counter....commenting once again that we still need 90 linear feet of counter space. (He'll get that when Eva in Norway adopts him.)
"You know what I can do with this?" were the first words out of his mouth.
I drifted off, imagining crispy melted Tillamook on dark rye tangy with country-style mustard... warm ciabatta with roasted red peppers, slivers of red onion, and turkey... challah oozing with chocolate hazelnut spread... thick, hot slabs of french bread with oily Italian tuna, capers, and olives....
As I came out of my culinary reverie, here's what I heard:
"I can do your mammograms for you!"