Ang- I made the Blueberry Bars and got the same reaction you did. Everyone raved.


Well-known member
I need to bake something for next week and I thought I'd do the recipe with fresh peaches. What do you think? I'm just going to add a bit of cinnamon. I thought of fresh ginger (sounds good with the peaches) but think I'll let the taste of the peach doninate. Think it'll be too juicy?

I don't know... bluebrries kind of "hold together" while they're baking and cut peaches

sorta ooze liquid. Maybe use less of them? Sounds like they would taste great though! I love locally grown peaches and nectarines this time of year.

I made them, too. I think the peaches would make muck of the bottom. I have a complaint about them

though. They just didn't last long enough. The blueberry bars I mean.

Cyn, I'd really like to know if you make them with peaches, if you don't mind. I'd like

to try this with different fruits as well.

Here's what I did. I used an 8 inch square glass pan and halved the recipe.

I use 1 cup nectarines and 1 cup peaches. I chopped them into large bleuberry size. Used a bit of cinnamon and about 1/2 tsp more of cornstarch. Baked about 45 min.

It's really delicious. Not soggy at all. If I made it again I'd add more fruit to it. I may do a peach and blueberry mixture for next weekend.

A trick I learned about peach & apple pie: Sugar/flour the cut slices, then

drain the excess liquids BEFORE baking. I think it was Pam Anderson who gave that hint and it really works...especially for juicy peaches (an oxymoron for my lately). I think it was a 15-minute wait...I'll try to find it to verify.

In the apple case, I've even started pre-cooking the sugared slices ahead of time, drain and reduce the juices, then drizzle them back on top of the slices before adding the top crust. This really helped to eliminate that big air gap you get between top/bottom crusts with apples that cook down a lot.

You might also consider using peach jam to sweeten rather than regular sugar.
