Another free gift box from Penzey’s. Limited time!

I don't order from Pensey's anymore...

because of the political thing. I wrote them a letter also stating that I was to quit ordering from Pensey's because of this. I guess my letter didn't mean anything to them.

I'm not a fan of these tactics, just saying

I find "virtue signaling" generally distasteful in marketing and corporate branding. For the most part it just annoys me.

NFRC - Free Speech is America!

I have a love/hate relationship with Free Speech - especially when I disagree with the speaker. But I love America and believe in our country's resilience. And love our diverse and individual approaches to chasing the American Dream. I may even like you more if you disagree with me! Colleen

Annoys me, as well, but I am not going to punish myself by not buying from them

I love the spices I buy, love the freebies I get, (have an entire drawer of freebies) and the freshnes is always there. I just ignore all the politics. I ignore the info, postcards, etc. they send me in the box. I know it is there, just toss it into the recycle immediately. They have freedom of speech just like the rest of us, just turn it off if you don't like it.
I believe his daughter owns The Spice House, she had good stuff too.
