Another free gift box from Penzey’s. Limited time!

NFR but important, a privately owned company can take a political stance, like Chic-Fil-A who

actively funds anti LGBTAQ people, or Penzey's who is supporting being inclusive of all cultures and uniting people via food. Any company can do what they like, depending upon their shareholders if they have them, and their corporate values. Consumers can make a choice of who they purchase from, as corporations are now deemed more important than people, so our purchasing power has become an important stance politically.

I won't support Hobby Lobby or Chic-Fil-A because I have gay family members and friends and want them to have a world where they can feel safe and allowed to live and love who they want, and these companies have been emphatic that the people I love are evil and should not be allowed to exist, let alone be happy.

I support Penzeys because I support their corporate values as I am very disappointed in the direction of the current administration.

Just the other day I was talking to family about all of this and the question that we were asked in school: What would you do if you were in Europe in the 1930s and had an opportunity to stop fascism? It makes for interesting discussions about letting bad things creep along until it's too late.

Is it just the companies that are considered liberal that you will no longer patronize or

any company that takes a political stand? Hobby Lobby, Papa John's, Chic-Fil-A?

I've never ordered a pizza or a chicken sandwich and gotten a message that... overtly and directly political.

I have no problem with a business owner taking a stance either way, but to put it in their product description? Really?


Heather, my point was not to begin a detailed discussion on the issues. It was to point out that...

...I was shocked Penzey's actually included their political views in the description of a box of spices. That struck me as quite over-the-top, and that is what I was saying. Nothing more.

We COULD discuss, in detail, all of the points you brought up, but I really don't think this is the place or the time. Again, it wasn't my point originally, so I won't go there now.

I will say this. My family members were in Germany in the 1930s and DID answer that question. They lost everything, were chased through the streets of their town, and physically threatened because they took a stand against the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly known as the Nazi Party.

My mother lived under fascism and was quite overwhelmed with joy that several nations took up arms and defeated Hitler. Those nations were overwhelmingly Judeo-Christian. Even Russia had strong roots in Orthodox Christianity before the Bolshevik Revolution.

Please don't liken this current Administration to fascism. I find that offensive and completely uncalled for. And by the way, the Christians I hang with, some of whom are gay, focus on loving Christ, not hating people. In fact, hate is the antithesis of the Christ I know.

