Any new delicious appetizers or old delicious appetizers? We

just ordered 2 on amazon - $10 each; also got pie weights, not satisfied with beans

I'll be curious to hear how you like pie weights. I've been using beans but my

sides tend to slump a little, even after the dough is in the pan and well-chilled. Wonder if pie weights might do the trick.

BTW, I took this dish to another party over the holidays. Major raves. Everyone

kept asking me, "Did you make the crust?!?"

A tip: I'd say 1 recipe of chutney is perfect for 2 tarts.

If I remember right, the recipe calls for this dish served this dish chilled. I served it warm and really liked it that way.

Next year, I'd like to use Joe's tips for freezing quiche on these. I think you could make these ahead of time, freeze them, and have a lovely nibble in no time. The most time consuming part is the dough. Make, then chill, shape in pan, then chill, blind bake, etc...

I still think of myself as pie crust challenged.

Until I started using the CI recipe with vodka I just couldn't make a decent pie crust. I am still learning but getting better. With the coconut cream pie I just made I took the beans out too soon resulting in a huge crust bubble encompassing the entire bottom of the pie. Fortunately I saw it before it totally firmed up and was able to deflate it most of the way. In the future, if the crust does not look dry and feel a bit firm, the weights are going back in. I've read that the ceramic weights transfer heat better than beads.
