Anyone a bunch of Q's for A's...1, anyone have suggestions for acc. in Cornwall/Devon ,farms sound

Nice menu!! I am not that familiar at all with Atlantic salmon as far as prices....

might be. We have five kinds of Pacific salmon. Pinks or humpys which are mostly canned, Chums or dog salmon which I have had canned, smoked, or pickled. People dry them for dog food, and heard the name comes from that, or, the fact they have some prominate teeth as they head up the river. Third is Silver or Coho,lovely fish, not sure about pricing as this is one I seem to get from fisherman friends on occasion. Maybe Ang can help here. Now, we have sockeye or red which is rich and buttery and EXPENSIVE, the first are flown out of state to resturants who pay $25 a pound and more for whole fish for the first ones. Am going through my newspapers and saw in May the first load of 25,000 pounds on a 737 was split between Seattle getting half and the other to the rest of the country.
The we have King salmon, the really big dudes. Nice and fatty and here in Southeast we have a white king, marketed as Glacier King I think, nice!
I usually buy red or king and fresh in the market here pay $15 or so a pound, a bit more for fresh red sometimes. Frozen, but very good quality, is a bit cheaper after the season is over.
Interesting, living here, how the seafood varies from place to place. To me it is most obvious in shrimp in the different bays around here. The Copper River Red Salmon have had great marketing all over the country and are wonderful; the last two years, I have worked out of Chignik and the reds are quite different, but still yummy.
Too long and probably very little help! Can you believe someone can say that much about fish at 0400 after a couple of sips of coffee, Damn I'm good!

Just scored reds at the market for $10 #, Been the coho price and they ran out!! Yipee!

Damn, you are good..I agree....

was so busy I forgot to call the fishmonger and ask...a daughter seems to think the fish may have come from Argentina...why I'm not sure.
Tinight we are having some left over in a white sauce, witrh chopped boiled egg, in some left over crepes...I LOVE left overs, so easy to make a yummy meal quickly..(I think I always have the idea of having left overs in the back of my mind when I do menu planing and I then cook a bit more than I should.)

Nice price Nan. Where is "home" for you. Near ANC? Not fair of us to post local salmon prices,

although, I hear Costco had wild Alaskan salmon for very good prices(I believe less than $10/lb) all over the country not too long ago. There was a post here that gave some of the going prices. If I add up the price of my self caught salmon: adding up the price of a brand new fishing boat with all the gear etc, the trailer, the fishing licenses and parking permit, the gas for the boat and for the truck for the hauling, the days off of work to play hookey fishing and the stylish new fishing togs, well, I don't think I want to go there! LOL. Enjoy that salmon Joanie.

Hi, the $10 a pound was the sale price for the coho they ran out of and they were subbing reds.....

I live in Ketchikan and we actually pay the same price for fish in the market here as Seattle. This was at the Safeway, I have been buying a bit of fish there with good results. It was probably just me, but it seemed wierd after buying at the fish market or the boats for so long.
Hey those fishing trips are fun though. I wish I still had the old tale of the guy who was going to save money cutting his own firewood--bought saw, splitter, pickup truck, and so on--you get the idea. And along the same line, I sure enjoy that "free" venison!
Happy Trails!
