This *is* fascinating! So does this mean starter doesn't make a difference?
and/or I should just make my own?
I was going to say, well I am in SF (or at least my bread comes from there, technically I'm 40 miles south, but just a couple off the bay so thought airborne yeast and bacteria might not be too different and I might replicate it), but if we are talking changes neighborhood to neighborhood, wow. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised given our micro-climates.
Now I'm wondering if the bread from childhood was different because the bay was different (lots of folks online recall the difference so it's not just me - there were rival bakeries that had distinct taste differences, the old Larraburu bakery for example. I'd thought it was the starter). I saw a PBS special the other night called Saving The Bay, really good btw, and the bay still dealing with fallout from the gold/silver mining not to mention how toxic it started getting by the time I was a kid. So maybe all that played into it?
and/or I should just make my own?
I was going to say, well I am in SF (or at least my bread comes from there, technically I'm 40 miles south, but just a couple off the bay so thought airborne yeast and bacteria might not be too different and I might replicate it), but if we are talking changes neighborhood to neighborhood, wow. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised given our micro-climates.
Now I'm wondering if the bread from childhood was different because the bay was different (lots of folks online recall the difference so it's not just me - there were rival bakeries that had distinct taste differences, the old Larraburu bakery for example. I'd thought it was the starter). I saw a PBS special the other night called Saving The Bay, really good btw, and the bay still dealing with fallout from the gold/silver mining not to mention how toxic it started getting by the time I was a kid. So maybe all that played into it?