Are there just some foods you can't eat together? I had lunch at a friend's the other


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day and realized that I cannot eat tomatoes with any other sweet fruit, like grapes in the sandwich along with the chicken salad. The thought of biting into a sandwich with the taste of grapes and also the taste of the tomato makes me kinda gag.

Dairy and cola are another. Is this quirky, or does anyone else have "must not go together" foods?

What--no Pepsi and Milk?. . .

The thought of that used to really gross me out while watching Laverne and Shirley. . .

I can't stand raw tomatoes on the side with tuna salad.The tomatoes make the tuna taste fishy.

Did you know that if you mix cola and milk and add

rum, it will taste like a root beer float. Don't ask how I know these things. Not kidding.

Toothpaste and orange juice. Otherwise I can't think of any conventional pairing I can't stand

I must be a philistine.
