As if iguanas eating my poor vegie garden is not enough, the monkeys are back!

I love this thread. I have Iguanas using my plants for a salad bar and

so many more critters but I would give anything if I could have back Blackie.

Thank you Sandy. What in the world am I doing wrong? I've done this many

times and have never had any problem. I haven't been to Photobucket for a while but something is different. I can't figure it out? Anyway, thanks!

Oh Mimi... I'm a bit dazzled to say the least! Upon reading and seeing orchid's

initial post, I did not see Blackie's photo when link or image was provided. I then "adjusted" the link and responded. I then go back to orchid's original LINK and IMAGE to find Blackie with my Ducky icon response! Weird, but good!

Just picking your brains Mimi. How did this happen???

Blackie lives on!!

Orchid, did you delete your original link and image posts? I did see them before I started

troubleshooting. Pray tell me I'm not crazy - lol!

I went out this morning and my lettuce and chard are gone and there are two

chippys sitting in the garden grinning at me.
They do not know their days are numbered.

They don't eat that stuff. In fact, if they're starving, they won't eat it. Berries and nuts, that

will attract them. The fleshy parts of new leaflets and maple wings, that sort of thing.

Now, rabbits, that's a different story. Give them lettuce any day. If the greens are very dark, squirrels may sometimes eat them.

I was thinking about the chipmunks a bit ago. In my domain here, it's the foxes that dig out the fences, in fact, chasing the chipmunks. The foxes don't scale the fences well and can't climb the way raccoons do. The chipmunks just go through them.

If the chipmunks had smiles on their faces, it's probably because they heard about their upcoming move to the west where their relatives are enjoying life to the fullest. Maybe they can catch a ride with Charlie's geese.

This is truly strange. This morning I was thinking about the birds that looked like Blackie that

lived in the Caribbean. I still think they may have been caught up in the hurricane and plunked down close to you. It is a theory that birdologists subscribe to, not sure about the genuine ornithologists.

But yes, they were beautiful and it was sad to see them all gone.

H and I keep saying how much we miss our pet squirrel, too. He got us smiling

every day. He'd come and lay down, spread eagle, between our chairs on the back deck, just looking out at the yard with us. He'd always follow me around the yard, just 1 step behind, and sit down beside me as I worked in the garden. He was killed by a car this winter.

It's their world and I love that we all enjoy it together.

Martha and Henry have been enjoying the pool every day this Spring. They treat it like their own private haven and he keeps all the other duck dudes from hustling Martha. Such a lovely relationship they have; it fascinates us to see how protective he is of her. My husband was never the animal nut that I am but now that he is taking notice, he sure does realize that he's been missing a lot.

Coyotes in Fairfax County, VA as well...

The other morning I was driving on a 2 lane "former back road" here in metro DC when I saw what I first thought was a mangy fox cross the road. I thought about it and realized it was a coyote - large as a dog, shorthaired and didn't have the distinctive dainty strut of a fox. (we saw one in front of our house one snowy night, playing with something just like a dog, then it trotted down the street). I understand coyotes have been seen in Rock Creek Park in DC.

how did you ever train that squirrel? Our squirrels shredded my DHs heavy lined BBQ cover---

I imagine to use as nesting material. Made for a nice and cozy abode, I'm sure. We watch them just outside our window and when the BBQ cover quivers like crazy, we know the squirrels are harvesting. Makes DH crazy. Our dog shredded the fuzz off of a neon green tennis ball and the fuzz was out on the deck. We watched some birds come and pick it up for their nests. I would love to spot those nests!

Put out a cardboard box for them. One that is soft enough for them to rip. They'll use it instead.

Sounds like a promise.

Many of our friends think I just have a 'way' with pets, theirs and mine as well as wild animals. It's embarrassing when I babysit friends' pets and they start to bond with me and growl at their owners. Not nice for friends either. Really, it just involves paying attention to them. And food helps.
