at what point do you all purge your cooking magazines? I have waaay too

oh, I like all the ones I have and that's the problem. I haven't used some of them

for years and can't see a use for them in the near future, unless, of course, I toss them! LOL

I have a folder of recipes, printed, that is about 4" high. I need to get a program for my puter

or get them out and start cooking with them. still, a file folder that is 4" is a heckoflot better than several feet of shelving loaded with old magazines, not to mention the other piles stashed here and there...

Pat, did you mention a 12 step program? I'll meet you there smileys/smile.gif)

The recipe collecting is a sickness....sick, sick, sick >>>>>>>

I started with huge three ring binders, two are so full, that I can barely lift them. One has a broken back. Then I started filling a "favorties" folder. It is full, but I can't put them into my binders, because I might forget about a "favorite" and never cook it again. Then there are the "to try" recipes that go into a special drawer. The drawer got full. I purged it the other day, wondered whey I had downloaded so many that now do not sound like I want to make them.
I have tons of cookbook and so many recipes to try, and each download sounds better than the last. Is this not sick!

I think this is a great idea. The holiday issues are the best ones

by far. I just filled a box with magazines for the library, I am going to go through them and pull the holiday issues. The jars, well, not only do I have jars, but bottles too. What I have been doing lately is sending home food in them for my step-daughter, and in the spring/summer, I make informal flower bouquets from my garden and use the jars as vases. They look cute and homey, and I send the lid along so that the new owner may use the jar as they wish.

Xmas Eve DH said he would leave if I brought one more cookbook or magazine home....

came back later and said he wouldn't really leave me but I had to do something about my compulsiveness.

Of course he never thinks about the time he bought not one or two, but FIVE VWs and a VW van all in various states of restoration (or delapidation is more like it) in about a one or two month period - just as our neighbor's houses were being offered up on the community home tour for charity. As people would walk from the parking across our drive and start up it thinking our house MUST be on it too, they saw the yard full of delapidated VWs and in shock almost ran back down the driveway (which is gravel which should have been SOME indication). Just so you get an idea of MOST of the homes around us, Tim and Faith McGraw lived in one of them up until about a year ago when they moved into the real OLD money neighborhood to be closer to their daugthers' private school. And we lived in a single-wide with a 'red wood' deck in the front yard while we built our house. HA - we scare the bejeevers out of most of our neighbors.

I love the pixs with the food so I scan them and save on the computer.

in fact I'm so anal about some of my recipes I have a memory stick so I can carry them around with me. However, it was the only way I could part with some of the magazines. I do save a few favorite but this way I was able to cut waaay back on the stack.

Hello, my name is Nan and I have a food magazine addiction, cookbooks too----

I have about two hundred cookbooks and shelves of Gourmet, BA, CI, Eating Well and Cuisine (older versions on the last two). I feel pretty good because they are organized.
I did take all my paper copies of saved recipes and scan them to a flash drive.Many were old hand written notes, but I was strong and tossed the papers. Well, flash drive crashed, spent $150 to recover data.
Put it on a new flash drive and backed up with a CD---both are on boat that sank!!
Actually am having pretty good luck finding most of them.
Back to magazines, occassionaly on Epi there is someone looking for a particular issue, I think what the heck, start thurmbing through it and can't do it!!
I too love the pictures.
Well, back to denial!!
Thanks for listening.

So glad I'm not alone! I go through the magazines during the month they're dated and clip all

recipes I might be interested in. That's BIG territory, believe me. Eventually they all get filed into envelopes in categories in boxes. I have 5 13" long boxes that are jam packed. Once every decade or so I do a purge, but there are still way too many. I then keep the swiss cheese magazines for a few months just in case there might be one I want to go back and get, lol. In order to keep Fine Cooking Magazines and Cook's Illustrated, I get double copies, one to clip and one to keep. I know, kinda sick isn't it?

DH is in the process of entering them all into Living Cookbook for me. His idea...he took pity on me. I keep asking how many it will hold, he says lots because he ditched the ones it came witih. However, I've made it quite clear to him that I have no intention of tossing the hard copies! I just would like to have the searchable feature of Living Cookbook.

And then there's the file drawer in my desk that is chock-full of the printed internet ones...I've always admitted to OCD. But ladies, as addictions go, this one is pretty enjoyable and yields great results! So no intervention for me, not quite yet, anyway!

It must be the weather or my bad cold, but I'm just in the process of weeding

magazines, starting with the most recent Bon Appetits. I thought I might offer them free to anyone on this forum but I can see now that it's a dumb idea. My plan is to abandon them a few at a time at the library, the senior center and other locations --doctor, dentist, bank, mall, gym class (will have to sneak them in here), etc. This may take years. The early Gourmets will have to await my executors. Somehow it's easier to part with the recent acquisitions than with the books and magazines of one's youth.

Issn't that the truth? I have a 1972 Sphere mag with a Chinese several course menu in it that I

made once. Every dish, just as written. I was exhausted and had never really made that kind of food before, but it all tasted so good. Never made it again and the recipes are probably outdated, but I keep the magazine.

Sorry about the cold, feel better soon.

All I can say is do not take up knitting, if you haven't already.

I just taught myself about a month ago, and I am totally addicted to it. I have started a file folder with patterns from the internet that is starting to rival my recipe folder. This I did not need!

I keep one inconvenient (over the fridge) cabinet for bottles, candle glasses, etc. In the summer,

I cut flowers from my garden, stick them in the bottle, give them away to sick neighbors, whatever. It's so nice to be able to say "you can keep the jar/bottle." And, usually they are small enough that just a few flowers make really pretty arrangements.

Does this mean we qualify for some sort of handicap, disability or legal actions?...

Personally, I want some legal actions cause I have A PLAN! After all, don't they entice us with all the new cookbooks they publish every year and the pictures on the covers of the cookbooks and magazines? It's at least as bad as the nicotine fix they put in cigarettes isn't it?

THE PLAN - since DH says the weight of my books and magazines is destroying our house I have a solution to please both of us by getting them out of the house. A friend has a 'party cabin' on the back part of her property. I fell in love with it when I saw it last May. So my plan is to building "The Little Cooking Cabin in the Not So Big Woods". I can have my cookbook collection there. I can cook the foods DH's sensitive nose can't stand. I can design it so I can teach some fun interactive and intimate cooking classes in it - I mean how cozy to cook in a log cabin with fireplaces and the woods with wild morels and blackberries and such growing around you - could even shoot some deer and do a class on dressing them out. It can be a great place for parties - complete with both a front and back porch - a MUST. And it would be a great way to have company and let them have privacy while staying out of my way and if we could convince him of it, it would sure be cheaper than paying my 29 year old stepson's rent while he is in college for the next 4 to 5 years (yes, he finally decided delivering pizzas was not a living and decided to try college again and DH agreed to pay the costs - all of them - and he thinks I have a problem - HA!).

But I just need the money to build that cabin. Then watch the faces of the people that live around us - that might be worth it all. I am wicked, I know. They are building a house behind us that is probably about a million dollar house and they got their variance to build a free standing garage with an apartment above it. Well, I can go for a variance for my structure and if they refuse it, what they don't realize is I have almomst 6 acres subdivided into two lots - NOBODY can stop me from building WHATEVER I WANT on the second lot on the back to the side - NAHNAH NAHNAH BOO BOO!!!!!!!!

Randi, I need to do the same with my old Gourmets - I keep thinking I will

use them, but I haven't. I have a whole bunch from the pre-Ruth Reichel era - they are too beautiful to throw away! (sob)

But I must purge most of them, so I love the idea of just keeping a few months worth. Maybe that will make it easier to do....

LOL! I love your plan Missy. If all goes well, and before you know it, you

might turn it into a quaint little restaurant. Good luck on your project!

I dunno sweetie, it looks like we all need a 12 step program to help us get

through this. until I get things cleaned up and cleared out, I have no right to point out Don's obsessive/complusive habits and you know that's not a good place for a wife to be.... "-))
