Hello, my name is Nan and I have a food magazine addiction, cookbooks too----
I have about two hundred cookbooks and shelves of Gourmet, BA, CI, Eating Well and Cuisine (older versions on the last two). I feel pretty good because they are organized.
I did take all my paper copies of saved recipes and scan them to a flash drive.Many were old hand written notes, but I was strong and tossed the papers. Well, flash drive crashed, spent $150 to recover data.
Put it on a new flash drive and backed up with a CD---both are on boat that sank!!
Actually am having pretty good luck finding most of them.
Back to magazines, occassionaly on Epi there is someone looking for a particular issue, I think what the heck, start thurmbing through it and can't do it!!
I too love the pictures.
Well, back to denial!!
Thanks for listening.