Besides (more) steamed vegetables, what can I have as a side dish with stir-fry

Thanks for all your ideas, although I am seeing all these little bits of chopped up bits of food

on the dinner table. Hmm, I was thinking of something else, but not sure what. The dumplings or potstickers sound good, anyone have a favorite recipe?


Liang-pan-huang-kua: Cucumber Salad with Spicy Dressing

2 med cucumbers (I've used peeled English and peeled regular)
1 t. soy
1 T. white vinegar (I used plain rice vinegar)
1 T. sugar
2 t. sesame-see oil
1/4 t. Tabasco
1/2 t. salt

Cut cucumbers lenghtwise in two. With a small spoon, scrape the seed out of each half, leaving hollow boatlike shells. Cut crosswise into 14" slices. In small glass or porcelain bowl, combine soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, Tabasco and salt; mix well. Add cucumber. With a large sppon, toss to coat each slice throroughly with dressing. Chill slightly before serving.

(Better if cool but not cold.)

Source: Time Life
