Beware the stored slicer disc for your food processor. I reached into a drawer and unknowingly...


Well-known member
...encountered the thick slicer disc. I efficiently and cleanly sliced the skin off the knuckle of my left middle finger. Down to the tendon. (It was, after all, the THICK slice blade.)

It's ugly, so no pictures.


I used to work in ER's. Spent 7 years watching how they deal with these things.

No need to go in and spend $2,000.00 to be told that it needs to be kept clean and it will heal on its own.

Over a knuckle and with a perfectly square wound about the size of a dime, stitches are not viable. I just have to keep it from getting infected (I'm good at that) and make sure I seek medical help if signs of infection develop.

I had the original box the discs came it when I bought my food processor, but it got crushed a few months ago. I threw it out. Now I know they provided it!


I'm usually pretty good at making my kitchen safe. I also married...

...Aunt Josephine, so we are excruciatingly careful in all things. ("Lemony Snickets" reference to a character played by Meryl Streep).

BUT, that being said, it only takes ONE mistake, and you leave a little piece of yourself in the trash can.


This one was not typical. It didn't hurt until I submerged the entire finger in...

...a betadine/saline soak. Then it burned for a few minutes.

If you pinch the skin right over the biggest knuckle on your finger, you will probably find that it isn't as sensitive as the surrounding areas.


And that is why I am looking for a new food processor. Mine leaks, but I have been putting up

with it. I do not have storage for the blades, but they do lay flat on a bottom of a drawer (still not good). I could get rid of my mini food processor if I bought the Cuisinart Elite with the extra bowls.

Everything is so complicated these days. Used to be so much easier back in the day when they only offered two options. We have so many choices today and so many comments to read about one purchase. LOL!

My KA has a mini-bowl along with the full-size bowl. I've had it for years...

...and it continues to work well.

Never had a problem with the lid.


Ouch! (My uncle the doc always tells me to keep a tube of superglue gel handy)

He says they glue half the stuff you come into the ED with, so you might as well do it yourself:)

I did not read your original post.... (more)

.... because I have my limitations, but wanted to wish you a speedy healing of whatever type of boo-boo you acquired in this freaky accident

I would have passed out. Literally.

Thanks Sally. Working in the ER for seven years helps cure that. My wife commented...

...that having a Dad who can handle life's little bumps, bruises and compound fractures comes in handy when raising two boys. (And when remodeling kitchens!).


You have to be very careful closing wounds. If they are not clean, you can end up...

...with a nasty, nasty infection.

Plus, on my knuckle there is too much skin missing. The edges would never come togther in a way that would allow me to bend my finger. Better to just keep it clean and allow it to heal over.


Wishing you speedy recovery. I have had minor knicks from the same. We should be more careful but

when I am in a hurry I forget that.......

Thanks, elaine. We are replacing our cabinet doors and you'd think it would've happened...

...with a power tool like a Skil saw or something more spectacular.

Nope. Slicer disc.

