Cake Balls versus the Elemental Theories of Physics

Oh Marilyn - I wish you would start your own blog!

I would start my day with reading it because I would be sure to know it would start my day with a smile!

Thank you for sharing!

"What the Galileo?" Seriously, I rarely snort out loud when reading, but this is so funny. smileys/smile.gif

Marilyn, your anecdotes are a delight to read. You should consider writing

a book perhaps entitled "Misadventures in My Kitchen". I'm sure you would come up with an even better title.

Hon, to be honest, I haven't a clue how people blog every day....

For me, this kind of story takes days to pull together: planning to bake something, having it all go wrong, then writing it up. And then editing it over and over because I keep finding mistakes.

Regarding a blog: I'd like to pull together the stories I've already written and upload them to a blog format so they're all in one spot.

That is, if I can find all of them. I still can't locate some of my stories over at epi.

You don't have to blog daily - lots of people just do it occasionally...

people can subscribe to a blog and be 'pinged' when it has been updated:)

I think I loved that final photo the most. After all of that eloquence, we finish with a pop pooping
