Can I frost cupcakes 2 days in advance of a party - will they remain fresh? Thank you!

I personally would not do it. I guarantee you the cupcakes will look

much nicer if frosted the day of especially during these summer months when heat and humidity come into play. Don't know how many cupcakes you are planning to make but even if it's alot it really won't take you much time to do the day of, especially if you use a piping bag with a nice large tip. At catering gigs we transport large quantities of unfrosted cupcakes then frost at the venue. The frosting looks fresh, glossy and pristine that way, not dull, tired, droopy and cracked like some day old cupcakes can be.

Thanks for the input...

I can put it off until tomorrow. They will actually time me quite a bit of time to do because I'm trying two colors in one bag (two bags in one larger bag) and if they don't work I have to make up new frosting. These need to be taken on Saturday to our dear friends home - I'm doing the dessert table for their 25th wedding anniversary.

Good luck and let us know how the 2-color treatment turns out.

Hope you can get a photo at the end. smileys/smile.gif

Deb, I didn't have good luck with the *two-bag* method. I did have good luck

by just carefully filling the bag on one side with one color and then filling the other half with second color. A long off-set spatula works well for loading the icing into the bag.

Remember to pipe out a bit before-hand to get the two colors started evenly.

I did a test run last weekend and it was fairly successful...

however my 'holder' bag wasn't large enough. Since then I've purchased larger bags/matching coupler. I'll report out once frosted.

worked like a charm....

I basically used 'white' buttercream (not as white as I'd like because of the butter) and then I add a bit of black gel coloring to make a gray/silver. Not a huge contrast but the guests will 'get it' (silver anniversary party). Now if they only hold up through the party (thank goodness they will be inside instead of outside where most of the party is). We have an hour's drive to get there tomorrow and I already warned hubby to wear a parka in the car because that air conditioning will be going full blast - LOL

I'm also bringing:
Cream Cheese brownies with Chocolate Ganache Frosting
Lemon Bars w/ Sour Cream Topping
Fudge Cookies
Sugar Cookies w/ Glaze and White Decorators Sugaar

I've iced the day before and came out great; I've only used the striped bag method

*hangs head* I've never even heard of using two bags. I'm glad it worked out for you.

I had to make 100 cupcakes (those flower ones) and I really needed to be done the day before given we had to set-up the next morning. They came out fine.

c, I have a huge pastry bag and put two regular-sized ones inside. Somehow, my

pressure was never equal to get the two to blend together smoothly. And I hate wasting icing that doesn't get used (because while the blended portion wasn't pretty, it was still two colors next to each other that I couldn't separate again.

I've watched the videos on this method and it looks soooo easy.

So the two colors that blended wasn't pretty either? Was it just too 'side by side'...

instead of a real blended look?
