Cooking challenge... apples, chicken, prunes, sauerkraut, and kale. ??

I had kale in my fridge too-way at the back. Jacques found it last night and it was still good,

so he cooked some chopped bacon, added a chopped onion, and when that was cooked added the kale, just until wilted. Then vinegar and honey, S&P. It was delicious!

I think the trick with kale is to cut out the tough stem and cook the leaves very briefly. They get wierd and rubbery if cooked too long.

Wierd and rubber - yeah. I always hold the stem of it in my left hand and pull

the curly parts/leaves away with my right hand. Might add raisins next time. I like Jacques' idea of adding honey and vinegar. Sounds good!

It's nice when good things for you, taste good, too!
