Cook's Illustrated's Ultimate Banana Bread - it sucked.

I did read some reviews about the difference between wet and previously frozen bananas. I

imagine frozen bananas leach more liquid (the cell walls break down in the freezing process.) Fresh bananas would retain more liquid that wouldn't get reduced, eh?

Sounds like it would be worth making again to solve the mystery. smileys/smile.gif

I believethe confusino is bananas' sizes. . .

Even by weight, the percentage of banana peel/banana will vary. And so the bananas' liquid will vary. 36 oz of banana and skin or pure banana?

The recipe as printed at Meryl's link says to use "6 large very ripe bananas (2 1/4 pounds), peeled. This could be read as "I need to buy 2-1/4 lbs bananas, then peel them and proceed with the recipe". Others might read it as "Buy several pounds of bananas, peel them then weigh out 2-1/2 lbs, then proceed with the recipe. Exactly *how* should it be read?

And (I feel this is the real kicker) exactly HOW much banana and liquid, when re-combined after heating, draining, and reducing should you have? At least give me a volume measure, if not a weight measure. . . after banana "prep." To be most accurate. If we are going to be *that* picky. . . smileys/smile.gif

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My mom's recipe won the LA county fair in 1963 or something like that so that's my T&T recipe

she used 3 bananas ripened until completely black and I think the bananas were a bit smaller back then, don't you think?
