curses. broke right arm yesterday, had surgery to set it and plate. I have bookclub friday


Well-known member
night. who wants to help?? menu was simple:

Ina's green onion gougere and some marinated asparagus for appy. tortellini soup, steakhouse breadsticks(formed and in freezer) wedge salads, Famous wafer icebox cupcakes and tie dye glazed sugar cookies(baked sunday)

I sure don't want to cancel...

AngAk1, bless you! That is a bummer. Could U ask 1 of yr guests 2 come early 2 help U cook? I

very distinctly remember going to the ER at 2 AM one time on the day B4 I was catering a cocktail party for 75 people. Thank the good Lord the bulk of the cooking was done. I had an infected thumb so the ER Dr lanced it and bandaged it so royally with wrappings around my wrist even that when I rolled into the house about dawn, my husband asked me if they had had to amputate! Was given a heck of an antibiotic shot and had to return the next evening for a 2nd one. But I made it! I had my helper meet me on site 3 hrs earlier than she was to report in for work, and we pulled it off. My heart goes out to you. Good luck!

Three words. Take-out pizza (or is that 2?!). Serve with your breadsticks and already-made desserts.

Feel better soon, Ang! ouch!! :eek:)

I was in a cast for months, you'll adapt but if I can offer 1 bit of advise? "Cast Comfort" spray.

Fractured my right wrist (I'm right handed also) in 5 places, cast and pins for 6 months so, you learn to deal. This stuff kept me from going insane. (At least that's what my invisible friends kept telling me . . . in Martian!)

I'd also suggest you take every opportunity to move your fingers as they'll start to freeze up on you from misuse. Otherwise, fortitude my friend.

Oh no, so sorry to hear! You really need to notify the group that you aren't cooking

and need help with tidying up a bit before and after they come. Having been in gimp mode myself for the last 2 years I've discovered this amazing thing. If you ask for help, people will actually help!! It's like a miracle!

I hope you are feeling okay and not too uncomfortable. Be sure you eat a lot of dairy and calcium rich foods, you have free rein to eat pudding, ice cream and cheese to your heart's content!

Also, when you get the cast off I highly recommend getting some shae butter and slathering it on your skin. I put this on the surgery sites for both my surgeries and the scars look so good, the doctors were really impressed. Forget the other stuff on the market and find pure shae butter.

big gentle hugs to you.

Awwww (((Angie))) so sorry. What happened? I agree with all

others, pizza and ask for help. Wish I could come and do it for you. Take care of yourself and don't try to be superwoman.

thanks Steve. I'll look for the spray. they gave me an arm block, so dead arm still

but I'm starting to feel again. what an odd feeling---like a block of wood instead of my arm. I'll get a new cast at follow-up next week

Sorry, but taking care of yourself takes first priority!

Just cancel the cook club, if they cannot understand, it's their problem, but unless they were all raised by wolves, I think they will be fine.

Really, take care of yourself, poor thing...

Wine & breadsticks

So sorry to hear. Open a bottle of wine to serve with the breadsticks. Make it simple! Your group will understand.

I second wine and breadsticks. Your group will be happy to fill in the rest, or eat pizza

Don't cancel on account of the food. It will be a nice distraction to have them over anyway.


Can you turn it into a potluck? Surely everyone would understand,

you're giving them enough notice to pull together, and your priority is to heal from your injury. Or at least have your guests help in some way. Feel better soon, Ang! (Wish I lived closer -- I'd come and help.)

I agree with what Sally said Ang. YOU come first and you have to baby your arm. Just think,

you'll have more time to read. Take care (((Ang))).

So sorry to hear this Ang. Definitely potluck. Most importantly

just take care of yourself. I'm sure that everyone would be happy to bring something and to pamper you! If I were close you can bet I would:)
