curses. broke right arm yesterday, had surgery to set it and plate. I have bookclub friday

Ang, honey...are you sure you didn't have a concussion as well? Re: "my menu was simple"

(Angie:) Ina's green onion gougere and some marinated asparagus for appy. tortellini soup, steakhouse breadsticks(formed and in freezer) wedge salads, Famous wafer icebox cupcakes and tie dye glazed sugar cookies(baked sunday)

In what universe is THAT simple?

Oh no! I wish I could come over and lend you an extra hand. And one extra hand

it would be, because my left arm is on sick leave after I ripped a muscle in my left shoulder this week.
But my right arm works like a charm smileys/smile.gif

The other thing is that pain tires you out more than you think, and your "well" arm will get really

tired too, because it's doing everything...

If you sleep on your side I have a pillow tip for you, a pillow that lies along your length at your stomach, then another pillow on top of you horizontally - on that you rest your arm and it helps keep you comfortable and well supported in a stable manner.

yes, the distraction will be just what I need to lift spirits. the arm block has worn off

so now I need to keep up with the pain pills. we've been doing pot-luck some this year, but you know I wanted to do my own. stubborn German blood.I so wanted to make the tortellini soup, but that heavy pot will be impossible for me to lift. DH is going out of town, taking the dogs with, but he will get out what I need before leaving.

I didn't even think of that. bummer! thanks everyone for your kind words.

this place is great

Ang, one of the best lessons I ever learned from breaking my wrists,

was to ask for help. It wasn't an option, I had to. It has helped me a lot since then. I was always so, I can do it myself, but since then, I understand it is okay to ask for help, and it has made my life easier. People love to help out. Ask your friends and co-workers for help when you need it. Keep your spirits up! Plant some container gardens until you can get out in your big garden. I loved my container gardens on the deck and I was able to grow flowers and such which made me happy. (((Ang)))

How are you doing now Ange?

I broke both thumbs a couple years back - LOL - it was hard to eat politely as both thums stuck up my nose. I could not reach into the fridge to get anything as the thumbs stuck up and the casts were done in a way that I could not twist my arms sideways much. And many other problems came up - I needed help for a couple of weeks smileys/smile.gif
Hope you are Okay now.
