Did anyone make any New Years cooking-resolutions?

Yes. To try a new recipe from the huge stack of things I print out. Like it or throw the recipe out

That only takes care of 52 of them though. What to do to cull the rest???

When you find the answer, let me know please. I'm going to weed out my pantry. I'm sure many of

you can identify, I sometimes see ingredients I can't pass up, bring them home and then either forget them or don't use for other reasons. I need go through it all and either use or purge. I was surprised the first time I realized some people store appliances, etc in the pantry. Sadly, mine is full of food! Two cases of chicken broth anyone? Perhaps I need an intervention.

I have been trying for the last few months to do just this. I know I threw out a bunch but ....

the stack has not been reduced!

Same here, Elaine. I wish there could be an easy answer. I have so

many stacks and a few big boxes of recipes to-be-tried but no where to file them. All the filing drawers are full too. smileys/wink.gif Could never cook all these recipes in my lifetime but find it hard to part with them. Reduced the pile a tiny bit 2 months ago but really can't tell....lol.

Scan them? All online recipes I save to my HD, been doing that since Gail's

If I printed them all lawd knows where I'd put them - I think I must have at least 1000 - not not really sure. Nothing is printed unless I make it, even then I try often to bring laptop in kitchen vs. print. (and often I toss after printing given I have it saved on my drive -I know, the shame!-, keeper printed items go in my T&T binder/household notebook)

I even have a copy of my recipes on a thumb drive so I'd have them with me when I was at the office/traveling.

I thought about that...scanning...but wow, what a huge project

it would be. Like you, I'm sure I have 1,000. Or more. Having assisted at cooking classes for about six years at Ramekins and SurLaTable, I have all those recipe packets as well. And work recipes too. On top of that, I think I must be kinda old school or something -- I just love physically having the recipes to touch and leaf through. Kind of like the difference between having a cookbook on kindle or a computer vs physically holding a cookbook in my hands and browsing it. I just can't get used to the virtual cookbook editions. I keep trying to the virtual method but I'm not there with it yet. My love affair of kicking back with a stack of cookbooks to peruse will likely never change. But I'm okay with that. smileys/wink.gif

As for the stacks of physical recipes, I keep telling my hubby we need a bigger house. He just looks at me and rolls his eyes. LOL

I am afraid he is right. I have looseleaf note books in different colors for several...

categories of recipes - mostly ones I have made and want to keep. I have just started picking out a category when I go thru the piles for one to try and then filing the category.
I still don't see the difference in size but the year is young!!

I keep rotating my piles of recipes too and from my experience, they only grow in size

no matter how many times I go through them. It's like an eternal rising bread dough....

I finally did something about the file cabinets full of recipes, Pat

Mine are organized by category in file folders- I have collected recipes in there for at least 40 years. I decided I needed to weed some out as I could not stuff anymore in. In a very self-disciplined move, I went through each file over a period of a month and threw OUT recipes I knew I would seriously NEVER try. I weeded out at least 30% of them! I thought about scanning but won't. I, too, like to touch and shuffle through them.

I put together many years ago, a Word doc that is my favorite recipes. It is indexed, organized and formatted like a cookbook. When a recipe really hits me it is like putting into the T&T files- it goes into the "book". So at least I am not constantly digging through the physical files to find the needle in a haystack when I want it.

I also like handling the paper. My recipes are all in LC, but I still keep the originals filed in

boxes. I love Living Cookbook for searches when I have specific ingredients to use but the boxes still come out often.

Several of my magazine subscriptions have invited me to go digital and I wonder if the printed copy will be around much longer. On the other hand, the All Recipes recipe site has started printing a magazine.

LOL, yes, it's her nickname. Maria, Dia/OKC and I emailed daily

as a triad years ago, exchanging recipes and so much more, and developed fun nicknames for each other (thank you Epi for bringing like-minded souls together in a forum!). Don't remember my nickname but I always fondly think of Maria as Woupy! smileys/wink.gif
