DJ Iraq boxes: Did anyone else have their postman scratch off

Sandra, I don't know.

It will be interesting to hear from DJ what makes it through. It all depends on who is sorting them on the military's end. Maybe, as long as his name is on there somewhere, they will let it through. I sure hope so.

Sandra, I think your box will be okay. It DOES have a personal name on the label

(DJs) so that would just be cruel to destroy it.

Besides, there will be at least 10 or 15 boxes coming in to that exact address written the same way. Surely they'll realize the similarities?

I thinking VERY POSITIVE thoughts on this.

Based on last year's OCD (41 boxes addressed to specific individuals), we only heard back from 2 or 3 soldiers. So I'm not counting on hearing back on these. We just have to put it out there and hope our good thoughts and calories reach these soldiers.

I assume Michael got the instructions from DJ himself, so it must have worked before.

Unfortunately the young men and women serving are not always given the best info

They give and take orders in the field knowing their lives depend on it. But when it comes to mail, pay and even their careers, the info often comes froma buddy who got it from another buddy and so on, rather than from the source. Add to it that things change fast, so what might be right yesterday may have changed today.

My husband was a big one to tell them "Find everything out for yourself. Don't take the word of anyone else. Your career could depend upon it." This is a hard lesson that many learn too late.

This is great advice for new military wives and families, too. Always go to the source and get the most recent and accurate info out there.

Well, I hope he gets it...

Maybe I should have called the US Embassy first before mailing it...

I hope he gets it....
