Does anyone feel as I do...That this community is so incredibly special. Mimi...

and Michael, YES, we are very lucky that Mimi saved us from a surefire

absence (spelling doesn't look right) of the human touch that we all share in this foodie community. Thanks, Mimi!!

I'll up that image - imagine hearing a crinkling noise on the basketball court

And there is this girl - everyone stops because the noise is coming from her. She's pale white, almost albino, about 5'4" or so and weighs all of probably 50 pounds (this was in Sophomore year of high school). The coach walks up. He's fresh out of college and named Chester (Chester the child molester) and pretty nerdy. He asks her what the noise is. She slumps over and says that she's heard that wrapping yourself in plastic wrap causes you to loose weight so she had taken 6 boxes of Saran Wrap and wrapped herself up in the locker room before walking out for intramural practice. No wonder she looked fat that night! We all fell out laughing and the coach just stood there not knowing what to say or do.

It's hard to get others to understand that there is a real sense of family here....

or at least very good friendships. It's a safe, comfortable, caring place to be.

Remember, friends are the family we chose for ourselves!

HEEE HAAAHAAA That is just too hilarious~ was she blonde? Oh I have to tell someone this one haaaa

I wonder what noises Sandy's father would make if he would sound like your Albino friend in school

That story is just too hilarious, I am laughing as I am typing this~ I would have lost it if I was there hhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahaha

That is so hysterical, I can't believe you did this sounds like my father ~ Its' still a DEAL

You're a killing me with this link~ Sandy you have what My father use to call a "Sinister Sense of Humor" and trust me, my father had it.

This is the best of the ultra best hahahahah

Absolutely. No matter how busy and crazy my life are, this place is like coming home every time.

Sorry for the late arrival, Michael. Tied up school and renos the past 2 days!

I also feel like this is a very special place and I'm glad so many of you have found a home here. :eek:) But you give me far too much credit. It took a few hours to set this up. YOU GUYS make it the community that it is.

That's funny! I keep saying Walleeee, just like Eve-Ah; always makes H laugh. Bought that movie

right away, I thought it was so cute.

Brilliant animation of emotions. I hope it wins an Oscar.


I don't get here as often as I would like, but I was so happy

when Michael told me about this board. After leaving Gail's something was really missing from my life, and it makes a big difference to me to have found you all. Not to mention that my expenditure on cookbooks has dropped amazingly!

Thank you all!
