Does anyone have a recipe for mini mushroom tarts with the texture almost like


Well-known member
a mousse. The closest one Ive found is Mushroom Asiago Tarts in RecipeZaar but I dont think the one I had had cheese in it. I had these at a reception a few years ago. Very good. Our church is planning a reception (for about 300)in a few months - finger food only- and I thought these would be a little different and easy.

That sounds pretty good. I think I'll give it at try. There is a group of us preparing the finger

food so Im not going to do 300 of each. I did a "Blender Quiche" for dinner last night. Was very good and sliced into squares well. Froze half to see how that comes out. Thanks for your help.

My pleasure, happy to help. Love finger food and appetizer

type parties. Good luck with yours and let us know how you make out with the mushroom tartlets.

Perhaps others here have ideas as well.

Elenor, the subject line including "...a group of us preparing the finger.." most likely...

...struck anyone who has ever catered as funny and familiar.

Right Joe? Cathy?


Sounds like Michael was saying "...a group of us..." often ends up meaning "me, myself and I"

I got a chuckle out of Michaels....Elenor, I believe that Michael was referencing

the challenges and tribulations of catering...

As I have learned from my good friend, the purple dinosaur, Barney, their is a pinky, thumb, ring man, pointer, and "TALL MAN"....

I would imagine that Tall Man might want to creep out often when catering!! Hence...Your comment about Preparing your finger... got a chuckle from me!


Seriously, my fingers are kept busy while catering. It's the smoke coming out of my ears

that gives me away.

My clients are mostly wonderful people, but some of their guests...

I did a shower once where I brought a few plastic clamshell To-Go containers, to put the leftovers in the client's fridge. A few of the (um) ladies saw them, grabbed them and started stocking up at the buffet, leading the rest of the party to storm the kitchen saying "Where are the To-Go containers!? I didn't get my To-Go container!"

OK, rereading this it was only half a dozen who stormed the kitchen. But they cleaned me out of

containers. My server and I still laugh about it.

and here I had visions of grating carrots and---ooops----there goes part of the finger, no one will

notice, right? bad, I know.

Joe, we were posted overseas (a Caribbean Island nation)

and for official functions when the food was announced we would all take 6 steps back, not to be trampled by the locals who scooped much food into their bags. We always ate beforehand.

Pat, when Jacques and I opened our store, I catered our opening party, natch, and we took an ad

in the local paper which promised "Wine and Hors d'oeuvres." Most everyone who came was friendly, and it was a great day, but one older couple wouldn't say hello or make eye contact--they just went for the food. I saw them come and go a few times, and later when I stepped outside I saw them eating plates of my food in their parked car.

I was THIS CLOSE to grabbing a bottle of wine and a tray, knocking on the car window and asking if they wanted a refill.
