Does anyone have a recipe for mini mushroom tarts with the texture almost like

All you can do is assume the poor things were starving, broke, and taking advantage...

I know sometimes you've just got to suck it up and turn the other cheek *sigh*

Well after all this and no closer finding a recipe for mushroom tarts,

I found out today that this reception has been postponed until some time in Spring. It was probably discovered that we couldnt come up with a finger licking mushroom tart. Im surprised its not cancelled altogether.

Hi Elenor. Here's a suggestion.

I frequently make a version of duxelles to use for a variety of things, including tartlets. I clean and trim a pound or so of mushrooms and in a food processor chop them finely (about 1/8" pieces). Then chop an onion into pieces the same size. Put the mushrooms and onions in a saute pan with a few tablespoons or half stick of butter, a generous 1/4 teaspoon of thyme, and salt pepper to taste, and cook them until the liquid is almost completely evaporated. Then I freeze the mixture.
Later you can thaw the mushrooms and use them in pasta, sauces, tarts, etc. I have made tartlets in a a variety of crusts including won tons and even wrapped in puff pastry.
For making tartlets you can actually use them plain, but if you want to make them more cohesive, you can add a little egg mixed in milk or cream to make a custard. You could also add cheese to the mushrooms with or without the custard.
This is so easy to do, plus you can make the duxelles ahead of time - even watch for mushrooms on sale. And, of course, you can vary it to your taste - more or less thyme, or a different herb, or leave it out, etc.
I would suggest freezing the duxelles in individual batches to use as you need them.
Hope this helps.

We actually had a good laugh about it. When you open something to the public, there is always

a story or two.

It was a very nice car--I don't think they were needy, but you're right, you never know.

What a great idea. Ive got 1-1/2 pounds of mushrooms in frig. and am

going to make this up today. I can think of many things this would be useful for. Looks like this belongs in T&T tips. Thanks!
