does anyone know where to get kaffir lime seeds?

LOL! You must have imparted some treasure of culinary wisdom that was WAY over my head..

of course that's not hard to do. ;o)

You are very contrary, rvb! When I set this up, everyone told me the subject length was nice and long. :eek:P

I freeze kaffir lime leaver all the time; I slice them thinly into long strips. . .

and then pack into small canning jars and freeze. They don't look great when used in soups and such, but that flowery aroma is still there.

This is great news. I'm going to check them out tomorrow. It wouldn't quite be importing

if it came from Quebec, would it?

What was interesting to me was

I always heard that the fruits of a kaffir weren't any good. I have a dwarf one and decided to make kaffir limeade the first year I got limes, it was incredible! Almost a perfume quality to it. Sort of like the sensation from a drink having rosewater in it, not that it tasted like roses, but it was a perfume sensation like that. Unfortunately, I did a major pruning on the tree last fall and it doesn't look like I'm going to be getting any kaffir limes this year, but on the other hand, the Persian lime is hanging full.

While we're on citrus trees, does anyone have any experience with growing potted blood oranges? I've had one for 10 years now, and have yet to set any fruit on it. The limes go crazy, but not one orange. Any suggestions?

No kaffir or lime but have 2 Meyer lemon trees.Talk about satisfying.

DH bought a small one at Home Depot 2 years ago. It was 2 feet tall and had 14 lemons on it by the time it finished. Just picked my first of about 5 that are on it now. Delicious lemon curd!!

with citrus, the more leaves, the more and sweeter the fruit (well, maybe not sweeter with limes. .

Are you fertilizing your potted blood orange regularly? Using a food specifically for citrus?

Is your tree blooming, but no fruit? Perhaps the baby oranges are dropping due to chill after blossoming and fruit set, or perhaps you are not getting the needed pollinization?

I had thought that oranges did not need cross pollinization from another orange tree, but maybe yours does?

Certainly no suggestions, but YES perfume was what I was thinking of when

Durward suggested substituting regular limes.

more info

I do fertilize, but I'm not doing it on a schedule and keeping track. I usually do it 2-3 times over the summer. The blood orange has never even attempted a flower in the 10 years I've been growing it, so dropping flowers isn't the problem. I grow them on a patio off of my dining room since they come in through that door for the winter. They don't get a lot of direct sun there, and I put them there also for that reason since they have to come in for the winter to reduced light. Perhaps this is wrong and it needs more light. The lime trees however, do fine there. My Persian lime has several dozen limes on it right now

They are a bit of a cross between an orange and a lemon in a way.

Sweeter than lemons. Just wonderful.

Well, out here all the citrus get full sun, and they mean full sun. . .

round here the temps in the summer time can be 105+, but as long as the citrus get plenty of water, they do fine and taste great.

It could be that your tree needs to be a certain size or age to produce, but it probably should be producing something by now. Get it more sunshine, at least 6 hours a day, fertilize it regularly with a citrus/avocado food and be careful of chills when the tree blooms. Make sure you water evenly and regularly.

I have also noticed that extremely dry, windy conditions will tend to kill buds on my trees. The wind doesn't necessarily need to be hot, but dry and dessicating.

You might want to contact a local nursery and ask if anyone there has any advice.

Maybe not blown...

I have a dwarf lime, lemons, it could have pollinated here. I'm excited about the perfume and the leaves. I have a micro-clime that doesn't freeze, but plan to keep it so it can come inside if the temps get scary. It doesn't freeze here often.
