Does your Farmers Market allow dogs?

ah well, that's a different story... but I'd worry more about people-hair in the food than dog hair

I think here, only if they are needed by people with disabilities - a public

health concern, and I tend to agree with that because of all the food in such a concentrated area, like bringing one into a food court. I love dogs too, but do see the reasoning in it.

There are two doggie treat vendors at our Farmer's Market so my pup

gets a nice treat when I go back to the car and he is sitting on the tailgate with dad. He only likes the liver peanut butter for him!

Ours has a dog sitter (and she gets to advertise her business) - you can leave pooch

in one of the pens while you shop, for free.

each pooch has it's own little open wire pen so there's no quarreling and they can see each other

(and you, usually). That's how I found our pet sitter and immediately used her for a 4-day trip - turned out fantastic! Oh, and she had flyers that offered the initial sitting for 10% off.
