Downton Abby tonight! Anyone else is excited? Anyone making food to go with?


I just realized our local long time Brit food store closed (boo), so think I might make some lemon curd to have with tea.

I'm making chicken curry, which kinda goes with the empirical theme.

Can't wait to see Shirley MacClaine shake things up.

Beware of putting spoilers in the Subject line. We haven't watched it yet but

in an indiscriminate scan of headlines while playing with my I-Pad, I saw a major plot point. Rat Ba$tards. (ah, that's the British newspaper I'm referring to, not Downton Abbey)

I watched it. Was anyone else confused, or was it just me. So many different (spoiler inside)

story lines, I found it hard to keep them straight. Or was it just my ADD kicking up (lol).

I am a latecomer to the series, so that might be part of it. Was Shirley MacClaine on at all last season? And did anyone else assume it was Lord G's shirts in the oven that were causing the oven problem? They never really did say. 'Love Grandma Violet... she has so many good one-liners.

I really liked the one-hour special before it, too, the tour of the castle and grounds.

Joe, did you watch the show before Downton, about Highclere castle and the current Earl and family?

lots of interesting history and one of the tidbits that one of the current chefs(they just have 2) revealed was that they still use a curry recipe from a Thai chef that one of the earlier Earls lured over to cook at Highclere. He said lots of the early chefs/cooks were lured away from "the continent" so menues could be quite interesting in years past.

Shirley Maclaine is new this year. I too was bothered a bit by the beginning---lots of choppy

segments---I thought at first that it was some kind of pre show snippet segment of things to come.

I had to stretch my brain way back...(spoiler)

to remember who it was whom Matthew stood to inherit money from. They could have re-established that relationship better. But I loved watching Shirley and Maggie go at it.

It didn't occur to me about the shirts in the oven but that's a great idea! No, they were covered with towels both coming and going so I assumed they were hidden among the linens.

I felt a little cheated that we didn't see the wedding reception.

Interesting! So I wasn't that far off, (even though I was planning the curry anyway, lol)

No, we watched the polar opposite--a countdown of last season's "Shameless" in anticipation of next week's season premier. You can't get less "Downton" than Joan Cusack mercy killing Louise Fletcher with a pillow while William H. Macy scours her cushions for cash.

I was wondering about that too (spoiler)

I would have loved to see more of the wedding. And personally, I think many of her dinner dresses outshone her wedding dress. It was far more humble than I expected.

With the oven mishap...was anyone else expecting a chimney fire?

Oh the dresses...

That red number was amazing. And I noticed she wore it twice--a touch of realism I guess.

the dresses---oh my! the going away suit was stunning. but, Mary and Cora are seriously too thin

how is that possible with all the wine-ing and dining?? and if they were aiming for tacky/gaudy for Mrs Levinson---then they hit it out of the park. I kept trying to figure out what she was actually wearing----skirts/jackets/bedazzled down jacket with brocade covering and animal furry parts?

the snippets of Edith's upcoming maybe wedding looks absolutely delectible---all pastel and sherbert-y frocks.

Oh Edith...remember how she was so underhanded and conniving? Now?

In hot pursuit of her goal...she seems submissive and demure. I'm not buying it. Stuff's going to hit the fan. Maybe once she marries money?

Season 1&2 are at the link >> (spoilers/dresses/etc inside)

Mary's wedding dress was spot on for 1920, which as soon as I saw the new date I thought, oh goodbye Edwardian dresses, we loved you so. I was kind of thrown they bypassed the reception, and then didn't state... 3 months later or w/e when they switched to the scene in the car. It seemed like a rough edit.

They showed having trouble with the stove before the shirt thing happened so didn't think they might be one and the same. I just thought, oh can they afford to fix the stove flew in that old building? (The special the other night said it cost something like 7M for a new roof in real life.)

Honestly, and I adore Shirley, but I thought she was a bit flat on her delivery. I'm so used to out and out zingers from her.

And why for goodness sake if you don't want to inherit Lavinia's money, you don't just gift it to Mary's father? Of course that would cut into a plot line though. smileys/smile.gif

Speaking of season one, anyone else wondering what might be happening with the "true heir" from the Titanic? Remember that Canadian opportunist? He's still rattling around out there someplace isn't he?

Was that the Angela Lansbury one? We didn't have a pre-show special here

They'd been showing season 2 each evening all week and ended with that. Then on Sunday re-aired season 2 all day right up to the new show time. I was telling my sister in LA about it but she hadn't seen it. (We were on the phone talking Downton nearly up to air time, thankfully she recounted much of season 1 - some I missed and some I forgot, which came in very handy for the new season.

There was also an HGTV special called Castles on Camera, that had a good chunk on Highclere. Not sure which show shared, it was actually used for wounded soldiers from WWI.
