Ever have a miserable kitchen weekend? I hope this has been mind cuz I don't want one again.

Marg CDN

Well-known member
The dessert I made from the food flyer was a big disappointment. Although guests took home extras, I cursed the recipe.

I made a huge batch of sauce to freeze for mac and cheese and finally have to admit that I am just never going to make it good again. I haven't since I was about 25. What a basic to fail at.

I made a batch of blueberry crumb cake and added lemon juice twice. YIKES, not good for the acid reflux going on.

Then my fridge did its supercooling thing again and I had to throw out half my vegetables.

And then this hunk of meat that would not cooperate.....5 hours of smelling that made me not want to eat it. Maybe by tomorrow my senses will have forgotten.

Ah well, I gave thanks anyway. Justifiably so.

Yes, we've all had those.

First, try the Gourmet Mac&Cheese next time you get the urge. It is a great recipe.

My weekend, while not quite miserable, was disappointing. I had planned a picnic sort of Sunday dinner so that we could be outside doing yardwork. I made the King's Hawaiian Ham Sliders (those, as always, were amazing), American-style mustard potato salad, and Apple Pan-Dowdy.

My potato salad always turns out beautifully. This didn't. While it was good, I took some short cuts. Boiled potatoes whole (since they're easier to peel after boiling). Mistake. All the starch stays in the potato and they are waxy and I hated the texture, although they did hold together nicely. Then I forgot to add the hard boiled eggs, then I ran out of mayo and had just enough to moisten it but not really "enough," then I didn't salt it enough. It was easy enough to triage on it later, but it was very disappointing.

And the Apples. The recipe was just screaming, make me!!! Apples in a buttered dish, coated with a spiced syrup (which tasted amazing and I think would make a good syrup base for fall cocktails), dotted with butter, then a cinnamon biscuit dough dropped over the top and baked. I was expecting the biscuit dough to melt across the top, the bubbling syrup come up and take some of the dough to self thicken, etc. The syrup stayed put and the apples were soupy, the biscuit dough didn't spread out and was sort of tough and blah. I will never make the recipe again. I still can't believe with all the components that it turned out so boring and disappointing.

So no, you are not alone!

marg, that was your "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad weekend". Wishing you smooth sailing

from now on. We've all had those.

((Marg)) if it makes you feel any better instead of softening, just melted 3 sticks of butter...

all over the micro and then, I did it again. Not as bad this time, but now I have half frozen/half melted sticks of butter instead of room temp and my proofed starter isn't going to wait all day.

Oh also, they are unsalted when I need salted (will add)

Also, bought 4 lbs of unsalted, solid (not cubed) butter by mistake.

Yes, we all have those days.

Absolutely. Some days nothing seems to work. Also, I think sometimes our tasters are off

and nothing tastes good, so it may be that the food was better than you thought.

Oh my, I've had a week or two of those types of cooking days. I am a firm believer

that one must cook with love in their heart and energy in their body. That goes right into the food.

I hear you. Hopefully the meat smells good to you tomorrow, if not, sauce it and

freeze it for later!

I cooked Sunday, all cocky like, not wearing my boot and then just using one crutch, then I just didn't use any crutches and was walking gingerly around - so far so good! I was getting really tired while making the bechamel for the mac'n cheese - more on that later - and I made carrot soup. By the time the sauce was done and I was ready to cook the pasta I was really sore, but did I stop? no. then my friend called from Santa Fe and we were chatting merrily away and I totally forgot about walking gingerly and took a normal step forward and pow! really hurt my ankle by flexing forward like a freaking normal person should be able to do. I couldn't even talk.... I put the boot back on, grabbed the crutches but have you ever tried to carry a pot of pasta and water to the sink to drain with crutches? It's not possible, so I had to suck it up and use both hands and ow ow ow. But I did it.

After all of that, I made cocktails because a friend came over, it was my effort at a Thanksgiving to honor my Canadian side. I iced myself silly and we had dinner and wouldn't you know, the mac'n cheese was kinda bland. I used 1/2# sharp white cheddar, 1/2# extra sharp Tillamook black, 1/4# Stilton (!!!) and some Wagon Wheel from Cowgirl Creamery, and some goat cheese and another wedge of something 1/8# probably that was really tasty. bland bland result. I had Worchestershire sauce, extra dry mustard, a few dashes of incendiary Magic Curry Hot Sauce (not curry flavored just hot and sweet), nutmeg, cayenne, white pepper, plenty of salt, I just don't get it. Maybe all cheddar is the only way to go and forget using fancy fun cheese??? Anyway, I hurt and it felt like it was all in vain, kitchen fail. Then I had to do dishes, on one foot.

Shall we have a glass of wine together?

my taster was definitely off last weekend. I was craving blue box mac n cheese, and made it. ate it

I did add some xtra cheese and sour cream.

Thanks Ang, now I am craving it, and I must have the extra cheese and sour cream too.

Is that the mac and cheese from American Classics? It must be an Arctic thing smileys/wink.gif
