Everyone here are mostly seasoned cooks, who are comfortable in the kitchen, however I am amazed


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at how much I still do not know which are actually things I should know. For instance, just last year......

I learned the reason my quick breads and muffins turned out too dark on the edges was because my choice of cooking pans were very dark and the inside of my oven is black. Since I bought light grey loaf pans and muffin tins, everything comes out perfect.

I also learned the reason why my roasted veggies, did not come out with the desired, brown caramelized edges and tops is because I had my sheet pan on the bottom rack of the oven. I noticed Ina Garten always put her veggies to be roasted on the top third of the oven. I also roast my chickens up a bit higher now..

What have you recently learned, that you feel you should have known?

That you don't need a ton of water to boil pasta! As long as you stir as you're adding

And slowly stir until it comes back to a boil.

Oh my, such a great question. I feel my cooking is constantly improving due to things I learn

on line and other places, but mainly online. I may have to get back to you on more things, but one thing I've learned recently is how searing a piece of protein in a skillet Preferrably cast iron, and then finishing in a hot oven works. In my case, I've been doing this with fish. We grill year round, but I'm thinking it would work beautifully with steaks.

Steaming vegetables in the microwave. Splash of water, cover with plastic wrap, and voila!

I read that in a Rick Bayless book recently. Can't believe it took me so long to learn that. I probably steam veggies a couple times a week now.

Using the nuker to cook vegetables has been the principle reason I ever had one--until

I learned about roasting them!!
I parcook veggies for chicken pot pie for example that way and use any of the juices in the roux for the sauce.

I learned you can peel a carrot (and other veggies) faster by going both

directions with the peeler. Most standard vegetable peelers have two blades making it possible to peel a carrot from both the bottom and the top.....by peeling away from you then peeling toward you. So once you peel down, peel up. Then you can go back and forth quickly to get the task done.
