How easy and delicious it is to prepare tender, juicy and flavorful boneless/skinless chicken...
...breasts by searing in a skillet, holding the browned filet in a warm oven, and then making a simple pan sauce. Return the chicken to the pan, simmer for a couple of minutes and you're done.
I'm using shallots, sliced and browned mushrooms, and a variety of other flavoring agents (Dijon mustard, lemon, capers, roasted red peppers, red wine vinegar, white pepper, etc., etc. Not all at once, of course, but in different combinations.) to keep it fresh.
It is also very easy to trim up a vegetable (broccoli, rapini, sugar snap peas, greens, etc.) and throw them in the pan once the chicken is plated and sauced. I add a dash of water or chicken broth along with the sauce that remained in the pan, and the veggie is cooked to crisp-tender in just a couple of minutes.
Great dinner for two!