Food Crayon...oh, those Canadians. Only they could come up with this:


Just think of a big fat Crayola crayon and the sharpener you would need to keep it honed enough to stay within the lines...assuming you had that sort of personality.

Now, instead of colored wax, imagine the crayon is made of a condensed food product that you shave onto your finished dish to add flavor and spice to it.

"Food Crayon are handmade, in small batches in the kitchen of our manufacturing workshop located in the South-West of Montreal, facing the Lachine Canal. It is an artisanal process during which we mix natural ingredients: infusions, spices, vegetable juices and fruit purees. After heating them to the right temperature, we add agar-agar, a vegan gelling agent extracted from seaweed to give them the desired texture. The salt and cider apple vinegar in the recipe allow a natural preservation of 12 months."

I saw them recently in a quirky cafe/store near me. They interested me, but currently not enough to pay $14 per crayon without first checking out what the purchasing public thinks of them. (In other words, not bloggers who received free versions to test and report.)

I do think it would be the perfect hostess gift....quirky, yet useful.

Yes that would indeed be fun. Great idea for a gift.

The lemon one seems so versatile. Too bad it doesn't actually look like a Crayola.