FRC only by virtue of Halloween...

We only had two groups, one was our next door neighbors and another group of 6.

I'm glad I didn't buy so much candy this year, but I just had a feeling. No one actually came until 8:30 which is very late for around here.

I guess I've just never heard of people driving their kids to go trick-or-treating...

I guess I still think (nostalgically) that it should be a neighborhood activity, and I was surprised to hear that it no longer is, in many parts of the country. (Since I don't have kids, I'm in no position to judge what parents choose to do.)

But parents taking their kids to stores/malls to guarantee a safe experience is one thing; driving kids to the "rich" part of town (which Marsha noted) seems like it comes from other motivations entirely.

Apparently I'm a Halloween traditionalist. smileys/wink.gif

I ended up with pretty good amount of kids -- none from my neighborhood.

And I know what you mean about ritzy areas...a couple of years ago I went to a Halloween party in an area like that and could not believe my eyes...tons of kids/people overflowing the sidewalks. Folks had to sit on porches to give out candy because it was non-stop (you'd never get the door shut). It actually reminded me so much of when I was a kid, but we never drove to another area like these folks did.

This year most all were little which was fun (but hey, you are not fooling anyone with that, "Can I have some for my sleeping baby too?" Yeah, we know you are the one eating it.)

We had about 140 last night...

This year it was mainly older kids (12-15); the wind and cold was just brutal last night so I think it was just too harsh for some of the little ones.

Nice to see the parent's going out with the kids - even some of the older kids.

I only had 5 kids. So sad, I love to see all the costumes,I love to see the kids,they must have all

been at the mall.

we had over 100 as well, and it was 29 degrees out----brrrrr. but clear and dry and not windy.

one neighbor 2 doors down set out a fire pit warming station on his driveway, his wife said he was manning it, handing out candy and having a beer. I laughed. It was a fun night and the kids are all so thankful and polite. even the teenagers, and there were many. Our symphony has a big night every halloween with a play and music and costumes and then there's candy for the kids on all 4 floors of the Performing Arts Center. I would love to go to this one year.
