FRC: The nephew who just returned from Italy is seriously considering enrolling in the CIA (more)


Well-known member
Other than the B&B in Italy, he has never worked in the food industry.

He applied for a job in a Brooklyn, has an interview and a trial work day next week.

The sous chef who interviewed him specifically asked about his "knife skills"

Any tips from those of you who are pro or semi pro on what he should practice before the interview?


It would depend on what would be expected of him. If he is to work in the prep area, knife skill and

speed would be an issue.

I look for an eagerness to learn; willingness to work any schedule as needed; promptness.

While working he should show that he can be organized, work neatly, and efficiently.

Don't know how many basic skills he can learn in a short time. Just show that he really wants the job and will work any job offered.

A CIA diploma opens many doors, but work experience can be just as beneficial.

I second what Charlie says- willingness, flexibility, organization, cleanliness all very important
