Free shipping at American Spice until June 13th

Ang, check on that link about the race (with the 76). They are sponsers

and I guess the race is on June 13. There might be something specific there.

LM is blocking me from opening that link so I can't review it myself.

I just don't see any coupon or code. I put in a test order for AK and for IN, but

was charged shipping on both. How did you hear about this? is it an email offer? they have that so bad neon orange popcorn cheese. must have some.

Smart girl! It's in the email: CODE = spicerace Also, free autographed photo...

with purchases over $50.

If you want the whole email, PM me with your email address.

(It was tiny in the email.)

Natalie says he uses Hungarian Paprika, granulated garlic, salt and maybe pepper along with the

California Chili Pepper and New Mexico Chili Pepper powder.

Here's the recipe:
2 parts black pepper
2 parts or more of granulated garlic
1 part California chili pepper
1 part New Mexico chili pepper- you can mix the 2 of these peppers or use just the California chili pepper or vice versa if someone wanted to
1 part Hungarian paprika
Ground cayenne pepper to taste - approx 1/2 part
Salt - that amount depends on someones taste

She said he uses it on chicken, pork and beef BBQ and she thought even on fried potatoes.

i put in the code and now the shipping is $8 instead of $19, for any state.

did it actually say "free"?

Email Subject line: "Get Free Shipping at until the checkered flag drops!"

I'll see if I have your email and forward this to you.

I just processed my cart and got "FREE SHIPPING". here's a number

If you have any questions regarding your order, feel free to contact us toll-free 877-6SPICE9 (877-677-4239) or email

Also, it says "Free shipping to all 50 states" so it should work for you.

There's a COUPON field. I entered my credit card info and then typed in spicerace and ENTER and it emptied out the payment info so I reentered that again (coupon field emptied out, but I didn't type in there again) and then I processed the order. And the Free shipping took.

The $19 shipping was for Express. Standard was $7.15. I like FREE best of all.

Okay, I need this answered once and for all....paprika? If the recipe just says "paprika"

do they mean SWEET? or HOT? or SMOKED?

I hardly use the bottle because I'm never sure what taste I'm supposed to be getting. Also, years ago I was PT'd* (Paprika Tramatized) when I opened a new tin and there were bugs in it. That'll teach me to shop at those little stores that have "interesting foreign" spices. Same thing happened with their tin of curry spice. I've never gone back to that store.

I like my protein ON THE PLATE WHERE I PUT IT.
