Free shipping at American Spice until June 13th

Marilyn, my sister said it is sweet. She said the spice mix is awesome, not hot in your mouth

She said it does not burn, that is is delicious.

She said he bbq's with it..pork chops, roasts, beef roasts, chicken breasts with bone in, etc. and on his fried potatoes.

I asked her if you would consider adding the smoked paprika, she said not. It is so flavorful that the smoke just wouldn't go with it at all.

OK, so I tried every which way and standing on my head, but couldn't get free shipping, but

I emailed the folks and got an almost instant reply that they would take care of it, so I hit the submit button and am now trusting that they will.

and this did not help my budget at all---but it was fun! I ordered the white cheddar instead of neon

though, and a whole ton of other stuff. they have baking ammonia and salt free Cavenders. nice resource, and from Fort Wayne---back in my neck of the woods, once upon a time.

Thanks Mar and Ang!

Great site and I was able to order some specialty items that I have trouble finding and saved $8 in shipping costs and no sales tax.
Ang, I ordered the baking ammonia, so now I can make my mom's Princess Gems cookies. Thanks for the heads up.
