French portion sizes - did you see this?

Michael, you are such an inspiration. My doctor wants me to loose

a fewe pounds because my blood pressure has gone up. I don't consider myself overweight, but the stress at work is overwhelming and my blood pressure is too high and the doc said that the only thing that will help - besides medicine - is to loose a few pounds and start exercising on a regular basis (four times a week thankyouverymuch!). I was thinking of you in the doctors office and I decided that "I can do it!"

Thank you for sharing your story Michael. It must have been a tough battle for you but know this; you are such an inspiration for me - and I'm sure - a lot of other people.

I went to high school in the fifties, and looking back when we used to make a hamburger run

the burgers were so much smaller than what is offered now. So were the fries and shakes. We ate much smaller portions, and got much more exercise. I lived in a small town and had no need for a car because I walked everywhere. IT was only until I got a full time job running two orthodontists offices that my boss let me use his extra car so I could move between the two offices. I kept that car for three years during the time I worked for him.
Actually, we have gone back to smaller portions of food, we feel so much better. I dislike that stuffed feeling.

Eva, I went through all the emotions (highs and lows) and had major doubts ...

...along the way as to whether or not I could actually accomplish my goal. I know what you are feeling, truly.

I gained a lot of empowerment when I realized it wasn't a question of whether or not I could do it, but rather a question of whether or not I wanted to do it! In 999 cases out of 1000, it IS do-able. The real question is does the person want to make the changes necessary to get it done.

Thank you for the kind words. I have to be ever-vigilant and cardio training is now a part of my every-day routine. But I feel great, and my wife is VERY appreciative. She didn't marry a 306-pounder, and, thank God, she isn't married to one any longer. And I've kept it off for nearly 4 years now.

If I can dig up some before/after pics, I'll upload them and post a link here.

Thanks again, and I wish you the best with your efforts.


Sandy, I'd LOVE a cheese puff. Honestly. But I know myself...

...and if I have one, I'll want the entire bag! (I have, once again, seen me do it).

I joke with the food demonstration people at Costco, when they have the cream puffs out for people to try. You've seen them, right? Pastry shells filled with cream in a giant Costco-sized tub? My standard remark after trying a sample is, "Oh, and Costco was smart to package these in a single-serving container! How nice...".


I also think many Americans are eating excessively out of depression and anxiety.

You may not be able to control whether you get laid off this month, but you can control the sensation of feeling better by ordering the LARGE serving of Five Guys french fries, which will make--if nothing else--your taste buds happy for the next 10 minutes.

You may not be able to pay off your credit card. Heck you may not even be able the pay the minimum payment, but you can order the Biggie Meal at the drive-thru and and pay with that over-extended credit card.

And when you look in the mirror and don't recognize who is there, you will sit on the couch with a MUTANT-size potato chips and think: Tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow.

Over-processed, nutritionally deficient quasi-food products--Welcome to the American panacea.

Very good points.

I've gained five pounds since my dad died 4 weeks ago. It seems to be the American way.

The French have more social safety nets, but still I think their national tendency is to refuse food as a way of feeling in control, and to lose weight in times of stress

HA! I've been

known to eat a whole bag of cheese puffs when I was a teenager and I don't buy them often now because I know thyself too!

No I haven't seen the Costco cream puffs and it's good that they're individually wrapped, but individually wrapped didn't stop me from buying a 12-pack or so of Creamsicles or ice cream sandwiches and eating 5 or 6 a night! Miss Piggy Syndrome is why I very rarely have ice cream in the freezer.

They aren't individually wrapped! That's the joke. It's a huge tub filled with...

...loose cream puffs, frozen. And they're especially good when still frozen!

It is a Bucket-O-Goodness, and I can really hurt myself with those. Just what a diabetic prone to being overweight needs, ya know.


And what's with these new gluttonous eating shows on the Food Channel?

I took a look to see what was on and it was yet another show about large obese men shoving obscene amounts of food into their bodies as fast as they could while everyone happily cheered them on.

Gluttony is now a contest sport?

Move over Rome, the US is skidding into history oblivion right beside you.

Cue Nero and his fiddle.

I truly can't even watch that stuff. Man vs. Food. Yikes! It reminds me...

...of "ME" a few years back. I could pound it down with the best of 'em.

Now I realize that when I was shoveling it in, I looked as bad, or worse, than these idjits.

Sobering thought, methinks.

