Fun way to make and serve zucchini.

question, is it really 5 1/2 cups of walnuts? I have garden beets to roast and this sounds marvelous

plain grilled or roasted meat. there was a maple glaze posted with the recipe for meats, but we

thought it clashed with the curry. It would make a good vegetarian offering too, maybe with pita bread and a cucumber "cool" salad. lamb meatballs or those skewer things would be excellent as well.

Traca, if you scroll up on the link Iposted, you had posted this recipe matrix from Bittman. some

interesting combinations there, and variations on the same dish by region. I took the eggplant dish from there and just added some onions to it.

Ha ha! Missed it the first time. I have a mental block when it comes to Bittman. (Such a jerk!)
