Gefilte Fish Recipes? I'm catering a Passover Seder, never having attended one.

Why not. I blame everything on Steve. My short legs, the bitter irony of missing Ste. Chapelles

TWICE, the pollution in India, the fact that no matter how hard I try, I CAN'T REMEMBER whether to apply the formula for permutations OR combinations and finally, the sad, fragile state of my psyche when I hear multiple voices inside my head. Or when I hear multiple voices inside my head.

It's all Steve's fault.
And his little dog too.

You short-legged, irony-deprived, pollutant-befuddled, schizoid-amnesiacs always blame it on me!

It seems to be endemic to many of my favorite Floridian females. Whose names begin in M ... and claim to be "engineers" even though they don't work for any railroad I've ever heard of. What's a scapegoat to do?
