Grand Canyon Cooking: The Sequel. My youngest is now in the 7th grade, and he...


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...and his classmates will camp at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in a few weeks.

I am (once again) heading up the group of intrepid and corpulent (kidding) parent volunteers who will cook for 80 people while tent camping.

This year's trip has changed format. Instead of 5 full days of cooking, we only have to provide a snack upon arrival, and then dinner that night. The next day we cook a hot breakfast and man a build-your-own-lunch line. Then we do dinner that night. Breakfast the next morning and one more lunch, and we're done! That's barely two full days of cooking.

I'm happy with the menu and I'm looking forward to the trip. I am trying to stay positive since my two boys and my Lovely Wife are, at present, down with H1N1. I am the last man standing in this homestead.

I am the keeper of the "knowledge of how to pull this whole thing off" (I wrote The Manual with another Mom who teamed up with me two years ago to feed my older son's class), so I can't get sick. I have contingencies in place should I go down, but I really want to come through. Pray for me if you are wont to do that sort of thing. If not, send me good thoughts. I appreciate your support.

Out of about 60 kids in the 7th grade at my son's school, 24 of them were out with the flu last Friday. We hope they get it out of their system before the trip.

Thanks for letting me vent a bit. I'm excited, scared, adrenalized and cautious. Very interesting feelings....


You have my prayers and best wishes. Stay well and keep washing your hands.

Let us know how everything turns out.

Michael, you are such a great father and I send you all the energy

and good wishes possible to keep you healthy. I hope your family is feely good soon.

All my good thoughts to you and the other moms! smileys/wink.gif. It will be great.

Oommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. There! You'll be fine.

Have fun (?) or at least a safe trip. I love how you capitalize

"Lovely Wife" - you're a sweetie and she's a lucky girl. Keeping your whole family's health in my prayers. The whole family huh?! I see lots of chicken soup coming. Stay healthy.

Michael, you are a good man. Your efforts will be appreciated by one and all. Keep positive

thoughts going regarding staying healthy. Sending vibes of good health to you and yours.

MIchael, your boys are sooo lucky to have a dad who is so involved with their school!

Good luck with the trip, and wishing good health thoughts to you all!

One young teacher came up to me last year. She was new to the school...

...and she asked me if I was the Dad who bakes "those cookies".

I said, "yeah, I think I know what you mean".

She said, "well, you're LORE around here. You know that, right?"

What a compliment.

These kids are amazing and I am very blessed to have a flexible business schedule that allows me to work from home and volunteer when needed at school.

Parents came up to me at Back-To-School Night last week and told me how excited their kids were that I was doing the cooking. They are so generous with their compliments! I thanked the parents and asked them to thank their kids for the kind words, and also to remind them that it takes 10 parents to pull this off in camp, and 20 more to do the pre-trip prepping.

I'm loving it.


Thank you ALL for the kind words and prayers. I am grateful to have so many...

...friends I can rely on here, for encouragement and for advice.

Thanks again,


PS: We are under strict H1N1 protocol for the trip, so there will be tons of hand sanitizer, gloves and a cauldren of boiling water to sterilize utensils. Any kid who coughs will be separated from the group and sent back to Phoenix. I feel confident we can get this done and bring everyone home healthy.

Michael, Healthy wishes heading your way. You are doing such a nice thing. Your kids will always

remember it.
