Ham and cheese sliders


Well-known member
I think I have posted this before but recently I have had the opportunity to make these for several occasions. AND with finding Martin's party rolls available now they are back to being the right 2 or 3 bites
Grate a half of an onion on the fine shred blade into a stick of softened butter and mix well together. Add a tbs of black poppy seeds.
The best ham to buy is the regular rectangular deli ham which fits the roll. Get it sliced thin but not chipped
You can use deli white american cheese or swiss or even Kraft process swiss slices.
Martin's party rolls--24 to a package.
Slice a package of the rolls horizontally and open like a book
Spread both sides of the roll with the onion butter mix.
put on slices of ham then cheese then another layer of ham on one side
PUt the top on.
For serving heat in oven for 20 minutes to melt cheese.
i also made these recently with Hawaiian rolls which made a bigger sandwich--more meat and cheese on it.

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