Zero as usual...
our little village likes to keep things feeling "rural" although we're nearly surrounded by the city of Cincinnati. No sidewalks, no street lights, dense forests, greenbelts, parks, and tree landscaping on large lots, houses far apart, etc. etc. It's a trick or treating no man's land.
The first Halloween after we'd moved here from the city where we typically had hundreds running nonstop to the door, we were all prepared to welcome trick or treaters. It was a warm night, opened the windows, black lights, spooky organ music playing on the stereo, glowing skeletons hanging in the trees, dressed in my phantom of the opera full length cape and mask, boxes of candy bars and M&Ms to pass out. I'm sure all the neighbors were thinking, "ha, check out the newbies!", and...
we waited. And waited...
It was like giving a party and no one showing up.
We had a year's suppy of candy bars and M&Ms that were unfortunately things I liked. There were lots of candy bar cookies that year for Christmas! LOL