Happy New Year everyone! I miss you all -- sorry I haven't been around

I would think this is just a universal issue. I don't go to a dentist or doc or X-ray without

getting copies of what's been done to me. This info belongs to the patient. And it's essential if you switch docs. My husband also always kept a updated list of drugs he was taking with the effects noted. Doctors really appreciate that, as well as an itemized summary of what is going on with body and what it has experienced in the past. It sure helps with diagnoses.

In Canada, health records are digitized now and instantly available all across the country. But that doesn't mean that a doc will be able to piece bits together the way a patient can.

By the way, at Christmas dinner, we were all having a good chuckle over how Americans think we have such an outstanding health system here. Poor us!!

I only have first hand knowledge of 2 states but would be shocked if it was not the case nationally.

Cataract Surgery

Marilyn, I have sent you a private message regarding my and DH's recent experience with cataract surgery. I wish I knew then what I know now. Please let me know if you would like to chat, or if anyone else wants to chime in. Best,
Marianne in Alabama
